The body of elders elected to govern a particular congregation is called the Session. They are elected by the congregation and in one sense are representatives of the other members of the congregation. On the other hand, their primary charge is to seek to discover and represent the will of Christ as they govern. ‘Clerk’ is the title given to the leader of the session as well as leaders of higher church governing bodies, such as the Presbytery, the Synod, and the national General Assembly.


• Ruth Beattie


• Ruth Beattie

• Kent Brouwer

• Carol Hulse

• Harry Lockhart

• Margaret Maxwell

• Doris Palmer

• Barbara Rogers

• Val Zeps


At Hunter we believe each person has gifts to contribute to the mission and ministry of the church. One way we share our gifts is by serving on committees. Committees consist of members and interested attendees who focus on furthering particular areas of the church. Click Here for the PDF with detailed descriptions of committee responsibilities.  Here is a list of our Hunter committees:


This committee is responsible for planning, purchasing and implementing curricula and programs for classes involving all age groups, from the nursery age to senior adult members and friends of the congregation. We are always looking for volunteers!  

For more information or to volunteer, call or email committee chair, Carol Hulse.


This committee seeks to communicate Hunter’s activities, values, and vision within the congregation, and to the world outside.  We work to understand the needs and interests of our neighbors, and to share the work of the PC(USA) nationally and internationally. Here is an overview of the PC(USA) understanding of what it means ‘to tell the good news of our faith’. 

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, call or email committee chair, Doris Palmer.


The mission of this committee is to engage our members and neighbors in meaningful and enjoyable events, both within our congregation and in our wider community, so that all may experience God’s love and care through Christian hospitality. This includes picnics, benefits, speakers, festivals, and more.

  • Opportunities to serve the Congregational Life Committee include volunteering to help with potluck events or to host coffee hour on Sundays. 
  • Suggestions for additional social events are always welcome.

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, please call or email committee co-chairs, Ruth Beattie or Debby Eddy.


The mission of this committee is to seek out members of the congregation who are called to be leaders and officers of the church. Chair:  Barbara Rogers.


Viewing its identity as a servant church, Hunter provides its members with many opportunities for service, both as volunteers and as financial contributors to the mission of the wider church. The Outreach Committee supports volunteer activities initiated at Hunter and maintains links enabling us to unite with others in service.  The committee promotes and manages the details for offerings for mission.

For more information about opportunities to volunteer or to become part of this lively committee, call or email committee chair, Margaret Maxwell.


Maintaining quality staff leadership requires both thoughtful and personal care. Personnel members consider salaries and wages, annual employee reviews, training/continuation of education allowances for support and program staff, and benefits concerns. Chair: Harry Lockhart.


This committee is responsible for effective management, maintenance, use and acquisition of property, facilities and equipment. 

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, please call or email committee co-chairs, Val Zeps or John Goodrich.


This committee assists the pastor(s) in spiritual care of the congregation.  It participates in congregational visitation with the pastor(s), including ministry in crisis situations, life transitions, and spiritual growth. 

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, please call or email committee chair, Kent Brouwer.


This committee’s main duties are conducting an annual stewardship campaign, recommending an annual operating budget to the Session (our governing body), and preparing monthly financial reports.  

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, please call or email committee chair, Harry Lockhart. 


This committee’s main duties are to creatively plan and facilitate worship in partnership with our pastor and our Director of Music Ministry.

For more information or to volunteer for this committee, please call or email committee chair, Barbara Rogers.


(859) 277-5126

Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – noon.

Lynn Davis
Administrative Assistant